{{#*inline "photo"~}} {{thumbnail unit width=width index=index}} {{~/inline}} {{#*inline "photoCDN"}} https://orion.soarr.com/photos/{{unit.id}}/{{width}}x/{{unit.year}}-{{lowercase unit.make}}-{{lowercase unit.model}}.{{index}}.jpg {{~/inline}} {{#*inline "typeLabel"~}} {{~#if (eq type.segment.id 1)~}}Truck Type{{/if}} {{~#if (eq type.segment.id 2)~}}Trailer Type{{/if}} {{~#if (eq type.segment.id 3)~}}Equipment Type{{/if}} {{~#if (gt type.segment.id 3)~}}Type{{/if}} {{~/inline}} {{#*inline "unitTitle"~}} {{#if (gt year 1900)}}{{year}} {{/if}}{{make}}{{#if model}} {{model}}{{/if}} {{~/inline}} {{#*inline "unitVideo"~}} {{#if (length videos)}} {{/if}} {{~/inline}} {{#*inline "slider"}}
{{/inline}} {{#*inline "quickspecs"}}


View All Details
{{> typeLabel}}
--}} {{#if odometer.reading}}
{{formatNumber odometer.reading}} {{odometer.unit}}
{{/if}} {{#if odometer.ecm}}
ECM Reading
{{formatNumber odometer.ecm}}
{{#if serialNumber}}
{{#if (length videos)}}
Watch Video {{/if}}
{{/inline}} {{#*inline "location"}}

Location Details



{{dealer.city}} {{dealer.state}} {{dealer.zip}}
{{#if dealer.fax}}{{/if}}
{{/inline}} {{#*inline "priceString"}} {{#if pricing.asking~}} Price: {{formatCurrency pricing.asking }} {{~else~}} Price: Call {{~/if}} {{/inline}} {{#*inline "auctionDateString"~}} Sale Date: {{#if auction.runDate}}{{auction.runDate}}{{else}}TBA{{/if}} {{~/inline}} {{#*inline "runNumber"~}} {{#if auction.runNumber}}Run# {{auction.runNumber}}{{/if}} {{~/inline}} {{#*inline "auctionDateStringOLD"~}} Sale Date: {{appSetting 'auction.date' default='TBD'}} {{~/inline}} {{#*inline "unitHeader"}}

{{> unitTitle}}

{{#if pricing.asking~}} Price: {{formatCurrency pricing.asking }} {{~else~}} {{~> auctionDateString~}}{{> runNumber}} {{~/if}}
Contact Us {{#if (and auction.runDate (eq pricing.asking 0))}}Bid Now{{/if}}
{{/inline}} {{#*inline "fullSpecs"}} {{#if (gt (length attributes) 0)}}
{{#each (specGroups .) as |group|}}


{{#each group.specs}}
{{/if}} {{/inline}} {{#*inline "tires"}}
{{#fetchJson 'https://api.soarr.com/inventory/1.0/tires/' id=id}} {{#if isSuccess}} {{#if response.length}}
  • O = Original
  • R = Recap
  • RA = Radial
  • B = Bias

There is no tire information currently available.

{{/if}} {{else}}

Error retrieving tire information.

{{/if}} {{/fetchJson}}
{{/inline}} {{#*inline "brakesOld"}}
{{#fetchJson 'https://api.soarr.com/inventory/1.0/brakes/' id=id}} {{#if isSuccess}} {{#if response.length}} {{else}}

There is no brake information currently available.

{{/if}} {{else}}

Error retrieving brake information.

{{/if}} {{/fetchJson}}
{{/inline}} {{#*inline "brakes"}}
{{#fetchJson 'https://api.soarr.com/inventory/1.0/brakes/' id=id}} {{#if isSuccess}} {{#if response.length}}
{{#each (array 1 2 3 4 5 6) as |axle|}} {{#each (array 1 2) as |pos|}} {{#if ../response}}
{{#if (lookup (arrayFind (arrayFilter ../response property="axle" value=axle) property='positionOnAxle' value=pos) 'thickness')}}

{{lookup (arrayFind (arrayFilter ../response property="axle" value=axle) property='positionOnAxle' value=pos) 'thickness'}}

{{#if (lookup (arrayFind (arrayFilter ../../response property="axle" value=axle) property='positionOnAxle' value=pos) 'thickness')}}

{{lookup (arrayFind (arrayFilter ../../response property="axle" value=axle) property='positionOnAxle' value=pos) 'thickness'}}

{{/if}} {{/each}} {{/each}}
There is no brake information currently available.
{{/if}} {{else}}
Error retrieving brake information.
{{/if}} {{/fetchJson}}
{{/inline}} {{#*inline "conditions"}}
Condition Information
{{#fetchJson 'https://api.soarr.com/inventory/1.0/condition/' id=id}} {{#if isSuccess}} {{#if response.length}} {{!-- --}} {{#each response}} {{!-- --}} {{/each}}
Component DescriptionEst Repair Cost
{{name}} {{description}}{{formatCurrency repairCost ''}}
There is no condition information currently available.
{{/if}} {{else}}
Error retrieving condition information.
{{/if}} {{/fetchJson}}
{{/inline}} {{#*inline "options"}} {{#if options.length }}
Additional Features
{{#each options}} {{this}} {{/each}}
{{/if}} {{/inline}} {{#*inline "notes"}} {{#if notes.external}}
Additional Description
{{{html notes.external}}}
{{/if}} {{/inline}} {{#*inline "similar"}} {{#similarInventory}} {{#*inline "priceString"}} {{#if pricing.asking~}} Price: {{formatCurrency pricing.asking }} {{~else~}} Price: Call {{~/if}} {{/inline}} {{#if (gt units.length 0)}}
Similar {{units.0.type.segment.name}}
{{#each units}}
{{#if primaryPhoto.large}} {{else}} {{/if}}
{{/if}} {{/similarInventory}} {{/inline}} {{#with unit}}
{{#backToListings title="Back to Results" class="back show-for-large"}} Back to Results{{/backToListings}}

{{#backToListings class="back" style="margin-right: .25rem"}}{{/backToListings}} {{year}} {{make}} {{model}}

{{#if pricing.asking~}} Price: {{formatCurrency pricing.asking }} {{~else~}} {{~> auctionDateString~}}  {{> runNumber}} {{~/if}}
{{> unitHeader}}
{{> quickspecs}}
{{> location}}
{{> fullSpecs}} {{> options}}
{{> notes}} {{> unitVideo}}
{{> similar}}